Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Oh lord, I have become one of "them"!

I never could have guessed a little over a year ago that I'd be the girl that I am today...I am sure neither could any of my four former roommates in the little hippie commune that my husband and I lived in. Nathan and I always knew that we wanted children, in fact, we wanted fourteen. As unconventional human beings, we decided we'd be great parents "I can't stand these parents whose life stops when they have kids!" I would say, "I am going to live in a hippie commune even after we have a baby. The baby will adapt to my lifestyle, not the other way around!" - and so, after 5 years of being married, we finally decided to start trying for our first child... fast forward 15 months and I am in a completely different city, living in a little suburbia house right outside downtown KC, with a six month old baby boy, going on play dates, and being friends with other "mommies" ( a word I once hated.) How naive I was to think that nothing would change, that I wouldn't change. He has turned our world upside down, and though I didn't want to admit it at first, for fear of criticism from my old friends, I LIKE THIS! Children change EVERYTHING. I have discovered a "secret club" that you become a part of when you are a mother, one that you only belong to as soon as you announce " I'm pregnant!" a sisterhood of non-judgmental women. All of us become equals once we become mothers. Whether you are a hipster,hippie, or a conservative mother, you will find that motherhood brings women together. Because, it changes you...and surprisingly, you don't mind. I am LOVING my new life as a mother, I don't really care if you think I am a sell out because life is fabulous,and I invite you in, to share in the adventures and misadventures of me, baby Jude and my sweet husband Nathan. so let's raise up our martini glasses and toast to MOTHERHOOD!

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